About Us

Christians called to a living hope

Have you ever wondered how the first Christians worshipped God or what their assemblies were like?  The Exton church of Christ is a group of people trying to be like those Christians you can read about in the New Testament, and we invite you to visit and worship with us. 

Just as the churches we read of in the Bible functioned independently, we do as well.  We are not part of a denomination.

Simply Christians: our aim is to serve God as he has commanded and to seek Christ in everything we do. Christ forms the center of our home life, and we seek to show His love in all our earthly relationships.  We receive God’s blessing and grow in the wisdom of our Creator by reading, studying and meditating on his word and then putting it into practice in our daily lives (James 1:22-25).  We strive to grow closer to our God so that we may serve Him in this life and live eternally in His presence in the life to come (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)!

Our prayer is that we can help our friends and neighbors understand the simple truth of God’s word – what it says about salvation, about worship and how to live pleasing to Him and thus enjoy the “peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).”  The message we proclaim is not ours but His. It’s the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 1:16).

When you visit one of our assemblies, you may find that our worship is rather simple. Each Sunday (“the Lord’s Day”) we sing, pray, study the Bible and partake in the Lord’s Supper.  We observe the Lord’s Supper every Lord’s Day, not just on special holidays. Every Lord’s Day is a holy day, a day sanctified by God for His people to worship and serve Him (Acts 20:7).

Come and visit

We’d like nothing more than to share the love of Christ with you.  When you visit you will find ordinary men and women from all different backgrounds and all walks of life who truly love and care for one another.  While different in many ways, we all share a common love for Christ and His word. 

Because His word is our only guide, everything that we believe, teach, and practice can be found in the Holy Scriptures.  We don’t claim to be perfect, but we’re doing our best to honor the perfect one—Jesus--who died for us!  Please visit us this Sunday or feel free to reach out and let us know if there’s something we can do to help you in your spiritual walk.